Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Monday, February 11, 2013

Do You Really Know Me?

Creative Piece

Author’s Note: I thought of this when I was lying on my bed one night. I was feeling very down, sad and angry about everything. When I started writing this, I almost started blaming myself for everything I was saying. I know that it isn’t right to try to put myself down. I am having troubles in life just like any other person, and I just needed to let it out. Not on someone, but on paper.
In this piece, I tried to put commas in here to show my feelings and I also tried to use some describing words to help let my troubles out.

To the people who think that they know everything about me,

Some people think that they can connect; feel the same pain that I do. But do they really?  They think, “Oh, this has happened to me before. It will be alright.” Yet how do they really know. I cry sometimes, but not just because I’m stupid and weak. I don’t make a big deal about everything just because I like to mope. You just don’t feel the same pain I do
I cry in my pillow some nights, wishing that everything would come back to the way it was. Sometimes it feels like I cry for so long I can’t any more. I know that the crying won’t help anything, but what else I can do...  I just seem so helpless in this lonely world.
I feel other pain as well. You make fun of my clothes sometimes, not knowing that you’re hurting me. You give me random nicknames that make me feel self conscious. I know that you don’t mean to hurt me, but I think you are. People say things without thinking, without knowing what it could do to another person. I know that is what happens to you when you say and do the things you do, so I still trust you. I believe that one day you will finally think, think about that you are doing to me and I will keep on thinking this until it happens.
At home I even feel lonely, like something in the shadows. I know that my family loves me, that they care for me, that they don’t want me to get hurt. I just don’t know why I feel so alone. I lost someone once. Someone who was always by my side. Maybe that is why I feel like a ghost, an eerie shadow in the mist. I miss her and I know I always will; I just wish I could tell other people how hurt I really feel. I know that I shouldn’t blame it on her; that I should just keep on fighting and that I will see her someday...
I know that things will get better, and I just got to keep trudging through the deep snow. I will make it to the end someday, the day when everything becomes right again. I just hope you understand...

Another misunderstood soul in this crumbling world