Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Sunday, November 18, 2012

Read Between the Lines

Character Analysis

Author’s Note: Almost every character in a book changes. Like in this book called Delirium. The main character, Lena changes a lot, almost like another character named Tally from the book Uglies. Lena read between the lines and found out that the Derlia was something that she didn't have to fear.

We all know love as this feeling that you can’t explain; something at will enter your life at some point in time. Sometimes love can’t be controlled; it can make us do the strangest things, but that is were the Derlia comes in. In future dystopian Portland, Maine, love is a disease. They have this book called The Book of Shhh that seams to keep everyone on the same path. In the book, the author makes love seem like a terrible thing, and most people believe it.

Lecture after lecture was drilled into Magdalena Haloway’s heart: telling her that the procedure will answer all of your problems. Lena, short for Magdalena, has lived her whole life like this. She almost knows this book that tells you everything about the Derlia, called The Book of Shhh, by heart. She never even had the thought of leaving Portland at this time; she had no reason to. Right then, Lena knows that the procedure is the only answer, and that nothing can change that. But Lena doesn’t believe that for long.

Fight, fight, fight. That is all what Lena will do to stay with Alex, an uncured boy. She knows that loving him is wrong, but right at the same time. At this point, Lena  doesn't know what do to anymore. She trys to listen to other curred people, but they just seam fake, like they aren't their true selves. She knows that she has the Derlia, but something about it just felt right. Lena even told her friend right before she left this. “Everything looks beautiful. The Book of Shhh says that deliria alters your perception, disables your ability to reason clearly, impairs you from making sound judgments. But it does not tell you this: that love will turn the whole world into something greater than itself.”

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