Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Friday, December 21, 2012

Think Before You Take

Alternate ending

Author's Note: This is my Alternate ending to the story that was read in Reading Lab. I took the information that I already knew and put it into my story. I tried to make the story sound creepy in some sort of way...

Cody Miller stood by the rusted stove, thinking about what to do next. He knew what he was going to do and how he was going to do it. Cody stumbled over to his bed, leaping down onto it with a gentle thud. He leaned back and just layed there for a few moments Clarence's words slicing into him like a knife. I better melt this thing before I change my mind. Cody thought, but sleep was waying him down like a bolder. Slowly, he pulled the covers onto his still shaking body and fell asleep.

Cody learched awake and found himself in the same place where Clarence was barried. How did I get here? Cody thought as he tryed to get to his feet. He could barly see anything through the thick fog that wraped around him like a blanket. Suddenly a twig cracked behind him. Cody spun around, suddenly alert. "Hello?" Cody said, voise cracking from fear. No one answered. "I must of just amagened it," he told himself as he started to walk around, trying to find his way back to town. 

A eery feeling cralled over Cody as he kept walking. Trees creaked as the wind danced around him. Darnet! My shoe is untied! Cody slumped over, grabbing his shoelaces. As he started to tie them, he looked ahead to he a hole in the ground. What the...? He thought as he stood up. Cody peared into the hole to find a empt coffin. Cold sweat started to drip down his neck as he started to stumble backwards. Oh my god! Oh my god! 

Cody awoke to find himself on the floor of his room, his PJs dripping with sweat. He leaped up, looking for the hook. I have to go back! Cody thought, fear climbing up his spine. Quickly, Cody shoved the hook into his jacket and ran outside. Cody ran so fast that he could hardly see the ground underneath him. "Hay! Watch were you're going kid!" a scruffy middle aged man yelled as Cody fly by, almost nocking the man over. Cody ignored him. He had to get back to Clarence's gave.

Dripping with sweat again, Cody stumbled up to where Clarence was barried. His shaking hands clutched the hook as he peered over the grave. Screeching  Cody stumbled backwards as he saw that the coffin was empty, just like in his nightmare! Someone PLEASE wake me up! Please!!! Cody knew that he had to run, but he was frozen with fear. A twig snapped behind him and Cody spun around, hoping that it was just a animal, but no one was there. I must be dreaming!!! he thought. "Give me my hook!" a scratchy haunting voice came from all around him. Then everything went black...



    1. Thanks. :) I wasn't quite sure how to end it, but I think I did pretty well. :)
