Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Thursday, April 25, 2013

Life Is Like A Bridge

Creative Piece

Author’s Note: I thought of this piece when I looked at a quote on the board. It said, “The meaning of life is to have a life of meaning.” That made me think. Then later on in class, I was looking through my saved pictures. Two pictures stood out. They are of a bridge. One a mangled, broken bridge; the other a sturdy bridge. It made me think of the quote again. I think that bridges are like life. It will fall apart at times, but with help, the bridge may lead you anywhere.

Life... It’s like a bridge.

It can be long. It can be short. It can even go to places that you can never expect.
Everyone has their own bridge, their own road to tread upon. We can be hurt. We can be broken; so can a bridge. You can fall. I can fall; so can a bridge.

As soon as your bridge starts to fall, you shall fall with it.Keep strong, so your bridge shall not fall because once a bridge is broken, it will be hard to mend it back together. If someone hurts you, your bridge will start to break little by little. But it can be fixed. Slowly but surely, it will be like a sturdy bridge again, but the scar will still be there: just like the scar will still be there in your heart. Days will go by where you can feel this scar along the way, but trust me. This scar, no matter how wide to deep it may be, will help you along the way.

As everyone knows, life must stop at some point, just like a bridge. But this bridge doesn’t have to stop just yet. Keep on building your bridge. Make it like a ladder. Have it go as far as you need it to go, because your bridge will stop as soon as it has reached it’s destination. The farther you go, the more worn your bridge will be. Trails of your past will linger in the wood.

But for now... Let your bridge carry you home.

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