Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Monday, March 25, 2013


Creative Piece

Author's Note: When I looked out the window in the L.A. room, I started thinking about how I really wanted spring to come. I used a lot of describing words in this piece so then the readers could try to get a feel of being in this wonderful world. I also tried to use more colons and semi-colons to help with my goals.

Sweet smells of spring dance through the air. Delicate flowers sway in the wind; the green grass dries from the midnight dew. Butterflies hover above your head, while little bees picnic in the tulips. A tabby cat lies on a freshly painted porch, bathing in the sunlight. Children and their canine friends prance in the parks, celebrating the beautiful spring day.

You can hear music in the air as a car drives by with its windows rolled down. Friendly gardeners tend to their crops: tomatoes, carrots, and so many more. A family dashes by on their bikes as if they are in a race. Little humming birds sing their happy tune to the budding trees, while squirrels play in their branches.

People gather around a fire enjoying the peaceful night, while children play tag with their little flashlights. Animals of the night scurry around, exploring the darkened landscape. Crickets start to chirp in the grass, singing their song of joy. Children drag their sleepy feet as their parents call them to bed.

Spring may feel oh so far away, but just you wait. It will be here to welcome you into a beautiful new world.

Thursday, March 21, 2013

Behind Closed Doors - Chapter 1

Creative Piece

Author's Note: This is a story that I started a while ago. When I was writing it, I was going to use it for like a vent piece, but add some fictional things to it. In this piece, I put some descriptive wording to try to help the reader get in the story. :)

Chapter 1
Just another day at school

The cold wind nips at my face as I walk into Riverwood Junior High. I slowly climbed the stairs, not wanting to see the herd of wild dogs on the second floor.
"Hay June!" a friendly voice came from behind me. I turned around and smiled. It was my best friends. We had been BFFs since like 2nd grade. She ran up to me and hugged me. "OMG! I can't believe that it's a Monday!" she squealed. I just playfully rolled my eyes as we started walking down the hall to my locker.
"Ugh! I don't want to go to gym! I hate having it first hour!" I moaned, kicking my locker as I struggled to get it open.
"June! Stop moping!" my friend Ivy groaned. "You're such a moper.." I tried to ignore her, but for some reason I couldn't.
"Oh... We should be going to our classes," I said, starting to walk down the hall. Ivy nodded and started to run down the stairs to her Social Studies class.


I sat down on the cold gym floor as I listened to the morning announcements. I strained my ears, trying to hear the kid who was fumbling over words.
“Yuck! Do they have to have Mac & Cheese for lunch today?" I groaned starting to stand up. The 7th grade girl next to me nodded. She was one of Ivy's friends. I didn't know her well, so gym has been a little awkward.
"I wish that they had better food." I nodded, agreeing with her. Both of our heads lifted up when we heard the ear piercing sound of our gym teacher’s whistle cry from over by the water fountains.
"Okay everyone!" she yelled, even though everyone was silent. "We are going to be playing Badminton!" Some people groaned, but I was actually happy, yet I kept my feelings to myself. Soon the teacher started putting people into teams.
"I hope we're on the same team," the 7th grade girl said, smiling.
"Okay! Morgan! Please go with Tom and June, go with Emily," The gym teacher yelled, staring at us.
"Seriously! I have to be with Tom?" Morgan moaned, dragging her feet over by the short 8th grade boy. He was the most annoying kid in the world! I'm not just saying this to be mean, but he is! Everyone in the school didn't really like him. Even some of the teachers don't like him. Sometimes I felt bad for Tom, but I just wasn't sure how to feel about him anymore.
"Well, at least I'm with Emily." She was one of my friends I guess. Emily was a nice girl, and she always tried her best. Morgan and I exchanged one last glance before heading to our team mates.
"Okay everyone! If you are on this court at the end of the class," the gym teacher, Mrs. William said pointing at the court next to her. "If you are at this court, you win. But if you are at this court," Mrs. William pointed at the court on the opposite side of the gym. "This court is where the people who lost most of their games will go to." As she explained the rules, everyone was like drooling over their rackets, praying for her to shut up so they could start playing.
"Each game will be five minutes long. If your team wins after the five minutes are up, then you go to the court to your left. If you lose, then you go to the court to your right. Got it!" Everyone nodded and ran to a court. Emily and I started off on court one, the court that the winners would be on at the end of class.
"We are totally going to win all of our games!" Emily said cheerfully. I nodded, waiting for Mrs. William to blow her whistle.


We were about half way through gym class and Emily and I were on the third court.
"Times up!" Mrs. William yelled and everyone changed courts.
"Yes!" Emily and I yelled at the same time. We then ran to the second court, ready for battle. I started bouncing up and down on my toes as I waited for our opponents to get their butts over to the court.
"Oh great!" Emily whispered to me. "We have to play Jenna and Karin!" She rolled her eyes and make a little gagging noise. I giggled a little, hoping that Jenna and Karin didn't hear.
"Um... Are you going to start?" Jenna said in a snotty voice and then Karin giggled like something was funny.
"I seriously think that there is something wrong with them...," Emily whispered. I nodded.
Then I turned to the two snotty girls. "We're ready, are you?" They just glared at me, waiting for me to mess up. I through the birdie up into the air and whacked it as hard as I could. Karin dogged over and whacked it back. We kept doing this for a while until I missed. I fell on the floor as I tried so hard to hit the birdie.
"No!" I wailed to myself as me and the birdie hit the floor. Jenna giggled,  high fiving Karin as they celebrated their victory.
"Oh my gosh!" Emily screamed. "Are you okay?!" I nodded, almost not noticing that I was having trouble breathing. I looked around to see that everyone had stopped playing and where looking right at me. Their mouths were moving, but I couldn't hear them. Suddenly Mrs. William appeared and started talking to Emily, Jenna and Karin. I started gasping for breath, hoping that they didn't notice. I must of  gotten the wind knocked out of me when I hit the floor. I thought to myself as I struggled to stand.
"Ahh!" I moaned as I fell back down to the floor. Everyone was talking now, but I couldn't hear them over the screaming pain coming from my left knee. Mrs. William slowly pulled me up to my feet. She started talking to me but the pain seemed to clog my ears.
"It hurts," I managed to say. Mrs. William looked at me funny and I soon realized that what I said wasn't the answer to her question. "My knee. It...," I cringed, flinging my hand over to my leg.
"What have you done!" I heard Emily scream. I slowly turned my head to see her lashing out at Jenna and Karin. I didn't understand why she was so mad at them. I was the one who missed the birdie.
"We didn't do anything!" Jenna screeched back. Mrs. William looked red with fury. She stood up and left me on the floor.
The crowd of kids was slowly making their way over to the cat fight that Mrs. William was just about to stop.
"Girls! There is no need for a fist fight!" she hollered at them. All three of them froze. "She is just fine!" Mrs. William glared at them. I don't feel fine... I thought as I struggled to stand again.
"Um... Can go and take her to the nurse?" Emily asked, looking down in shame.
Mrs. William nodded and then said, "I want to see all three of you girls after class." They all nodded. As Emily ran over to help me up, I saw Jenna stick her tongue out at me.
"Do you really think that she meant to do that?" I asked, still struggling to stand even with Emily's help.
"Well duh! She is just a little brat who wants attention." She rolled her eyes as she hoisted me up.
"Ow..," I moaned. "Well, she is a brat so it makes sense." We both smiled slowly started walking to the nurse.

"So how did this happen again?" Miss. Davis asked, as I sat on the little bed that was pushed up against the wall. I started to explain everything, but she looked at me like I wasn't making any sense. Miss. Davis just nodded and wrote everything down.
    “You can go now Emily,” Miss. Davis said with a smile. I looked up at the clock. It was almost 2nd hour!  I wish I could go... I thought to myself as I lay on the little sanitary bed in the corner, my knee still aching.
   Miss. Davis stood up and walked over to the phone. Then she looked at me. “I’m going to go call your parents.” She started typing in a phone number. I just moaned. I’m just fine! I kept telling myself, but I knew I wasn’t.

Monday, March 18, 2013


Creative Writing

Author's Note: I came across this picture while looking in my flash drive. When I looked at it, it started to make me think. This poem is about how we can sometimes fall, but we have to pick ourselves back up again. 


It’s like living a never-ending dream.
It’s like being trapped between worlds.
It’s like having everything you have ever loved disappear.

Rain falls,
Leaves fall,
People fall.

We fall because of heartache,
We fall because we think we are failures,
We fall because we believe we don’t belong.

But we can stop falling,
No matter how high the drop may be.
So grab the outstretched hand,
That is there to help you back up.

Believe in yourself,
Trust in yourself,
Accept yourself for who you are.

Stop falling into the depts.
Spread out your wings; soar!
Fly back to the top of that mountain,
Were you may never fall again.

We all fall at times,
Just know that there is always a way back up.

Source For pic:

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

But Winter Isn't Always Like This...

Creative Piece

Author’s Note: People can think of winter in many different ways. They could think of the good or they could think of the bad. I thought of both. In this piece, you will see that I used a lot of commas and descriptive language. When you read this I hope that you will be able to see everything as clearly as I could as I wrote this.

The icy weather nipped at my skin. The snow crunched under my feet. The wind bore through my clothes. Children play outside, enjoying what they can of this frigid day. Parents hack at the heavy snow, trying to get their cars out of the snowy trap. Little animals huddle for warmth underbrush while people lounge on the couch, watching the fire dance.
The ponds and lakes have iced over, leaving fish stuck in the darkness of the water. Hills are full of the laughter of children as they spend the day playing with their sleds. As I looked around, I saw the beautiful white trees,  frosted with powdered sugar.  But winter isn't always like this.

I slide across the icy sidewalk, hoping I don’t break a bone. Cars swerve on the icy tundra, trying to not hit any cars. Families are glued to their T.V.s, watching the path of this massive snow hurricane. Some T.V.s are starting to go out because of this weather.
Snow starts to pile up on tree limbs and roofs of houses. The snow seemed to weigh almost one thousand pounds as it sits up there. Soon they will give way and will crush everything in its path. Lives could be at stake here!
            A mountain of cars are piled up all along the highway because of the thick, slippery snow. Even plows are having trouble getting to some streets, so now people are stuck in their own home like a jail cell, praying that someone will come save them. People that can get out of their homes are slaving away, trying to clear the heavy snow. Snow blowers are failing to move the snow. It is just too heavy. It is like they are fighting a battle they will never win. But winter isn't always like this.