Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Wednesday, March 6, 2013

But Winter Isn't Always Like This...

Creative Piece

Author’s Note: People can think of winter in many different ways. They could think of the good or they could think of the bad. I thought of both. In this piece, you will see that I used a lot of commas and descriptive language. When you read this I hope that you will be able to see everything as clearly as I could as I wrote this.

The icy weather nipped at my skin. The snow crunched under my feet. The wind bore through my clothes. Children play outside, enjoying what they can of this frigid day. Parents hack at the heavy snow, trying to get their cars out of the snowy trap. Little animals huddle for warmth underbrush while people lounge on the couch, watching the fire dance.
The ponds and lakes have iced over, leaving fish stuck in the darkness of the water. Hills are full of the laughter of children as they spend the day playing with their sleds. As I looked around, I saw the beautiful white trees,  frosted with powdered sugar.  But winter isn't always like this.

I slide across the icy sidewalk, hoping I don’t break a bone. Cars swerve on the icy tundra, trying to not hit any cars. Families are glued to their T.V.s, watching the path of this massive snow hurricane. Some T.V.s are starting to go out because of this weather.
Snow starts to pile up on tree limbs and roofs of houses. The snow seemed to weigh almost one thousand pounds as it sits up there. Soon they will give way and will crush everything in its path. Lives could be at stake here!
            A mountain of cars are piled up all along the highway because of the thick, slippery snow. Even plows are having trouble getting to some streets, so now people are stuck in their own home like a jail cell, praying that someone will come save them. People that can get out of their homes are slaving away, trying to clear the heavy snow. Snow blowers are failing to move the snow. It is just too heavy. It is like they are fighting a battle they will never win. But winter isn't always like this.

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