Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spinning a Web

Patriots Pen

Author's Note: Everyone gets annoyed by politics, right? Well, for this years Patriots Pen, I decided to do mine about campaign ads. In this essay, you will learn that our ways of campaigning is way different than the ways that our founding fathers campaigned.

I reached for the remote and flopped down on the couch. I happily turned on the TV, knowing that it was the weekend and that nothing could bring me down. Click click click. Every channel there is a political ad! Then a thought came into my mind. Our founding fathers would not be proud of our politics today.

These ads are just a bunch of lies. The candidates just want to get the voters on their side. I thought as my Dad strolled in, wanting to watch the debate that is on tonight. He grabbed the remote and turned on the channel that the debate will be on. I watched the TV intently, wanting to see what kinds of ads would be on. There were many ads about Presadent Obama and Mitt Romney, and all they said were parts of what they were saying and just a bunch of unkept promises.

Every candidate has their own unkept promises. Some people think that they can’t keep all of the promises they make, just like us, but they have a bigger role to play then we do. People count on them to try and help make their wold a better place. I glance at my Dad, remembering that he was having trouble finding work after being fired from his last job. These candidates keep telling us that they are going to make the U.S. better by helping people get jobs. I just think that they are lying to get their way with the voters.

These candidates are just spinning a web of lies. A web that can’t be torn down, know matter how hard you try. For these candidates, they can never turn back. I believe that they are just saying these things so then they can get more votes. Our founding fathers didn’t campaign like this. They told America what they were going to do and they did it. Politics today are almost the total opposite.

“Dad?” I asked, looking him in the eye. “Don’t you think that our founding fathers wouldn’t be happy about today's politics?” He nodded and turned off the TV. I could tell that he was tiered of all the lies too.

You Can Face Your Fears Through Song


Author's Note: Everyone has something that they are afraid of. Well, in my narrative, you will learn how I got this opportunity to sing infront of a crowd and how I faced my fears.

Excitement blew into the air as my mother and sister got dressed for the party.
“Are you ready?” my Mom asked, patting her dress into place. I nodded, hoping that she didn’t see the nerve racking images zipping around my head. She ran to the garage door and opened it.
“It’s time to go,” she said smiling. I smiled a fake smile. “You will do great! Just know that you shouldn’t let your fears get in your way.” I just wish that she was right.

About ten minutes later, we had arrived at my Dad’s office party. Spotlights shown on the outside of the building as my sister, mom, and me made our way through the door. The smell of food was like a wave washing over us. It smelled so good! My mom told me that I should go watch the band play, but I wanted to go look at all of the wonderful food that was displayed on the tables. I nodded and forced my body to go sit in a chair and listen to the loud music. After minutes passed and I thought that my brain was going to explode because of all of the vibrations tumbling down on me like an avalanche.
“Here. I thought that you would like to have some food,” my mom said, handing me a little, plastic plate with a delicious looking chicken leg on it.
“Thanks,” I smiled and took it from her, but I just couldn’t eat right now. I felt like every word I said was going to come out as a wrong note.

About an hour has passed and my dad was finally up on stage singing with his band, The Band Of Dudes.
“Okay,” my dad said in a scratchy voice. “I’m going to bring my daughter up here to play the tambourine!” People clapped as I got on my feet and dragged myself into the stage. Half of me was saying ‘No! Stay in your set! You don’t have to do this!’, but the other side of me was saying ‘Go up on the stage. Face your fears about standing in front of a crowd of people. Do this for your dad!’ I syed, flushing all of my thoughts out of my head. I can do this. It’s just a tambourine... My dad handed me the tambourine and winked. He knew that I had to do, but I wasn’t too sure if I even knew what I had to do! Have my fears taken over?

CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! CLAP! The crowd cheered as the song finished. I set the tambourine down and smiled, trying to show my dad that I was okay. My dad introduced the song that we were going to sing and he had to tell the story that went with it as well; of course. People listened to my dad as I started to read the lyrics that were taped onto my microphone. I lifted my head up and noticed that one of my hairs were sticking out in front of my face. I quickly tucked it back into place, hoping that everyone didn’t just all of a sudden get x-ray vision and could see every flaw. My dad must of finished talking, because I started to hear the drums start to count off the beat. Me and my dad nodded at each other and the song started. As soon as he started, my conscience flared up like a fire. You can’t do this! What is you mess up! Everyone here will hear it and will know that you are a terrible singer. I shook my head a little, trying to get the thoughts out of my head. I looked at my dad and he had just started going into the chorus. I quickly caught up to him knowing that it was too late and I couldn’t turn back.

“Woohoo!” “Ya!!!” I smiled, knowing that I had just finished the song, without hearing any flaws in my voice. I did a little bow and stepped off the stage. I went over to my table that I was sitting at and sat down, glad that I got to have this opportunity, and I’m also glad that I didn’t let my fears get in the way of the task set at hand.
My mom leaned over a little to whisper something in my ear. “I think your dad would like you to do this again for his TTT concert.” I felt my eyes bug out a little. I had to do this again!

A Recipe for Disaster


Authors Note: Weddings are suppose to be one of the best things in life, but not for this bride... Alcohol and salty water don't mix well, and it will make a recipe for disaster.

Jamaica... What a great place to have a wedding. I thought as the waitress came over with our pea soup.
"Okay everyone!" My dad, the photographer, yelled out to the wedding party gathered at the table. "We need a sunset shot down on the beach. When I say 'GO', then everyone should start heading down there to get the perfect shot." I looked around at the friends and family of the bride and groom, noticing how drunk they looked. This might not turn out so well... I thought, hoping I was wrong, because this is suppose to be their dream wedding! I started eating my pea soup; which was actually black bean soup, trying to get the subject out of my head.

A few minutes later my dad got out of his chair and said " GO!" loud enough for the wedding party to hear. I got up, wanting to get my feet in the salty water. Seconds passed and heavy, drunken footsteps told me that they were on their way down the steps as I reached the sand. I soon dashed into the water, trying very hard to not get my dress wet. Standing in the water, I turned around to see my mom holding in to a reflector, trying so hard not to blown away. Giggling, I fled out of the water to go help her. The wedding party and my dad where already down as soon as I grabbed the silver reflector.
"Okay... I need everyone to stand here so then I can get the perfect shots." my dad smiled, hopping that they heard him. Soon everyone was gathered right on the edge of the water and my dad started shooting. "Hay, I think we are missing someone." I turned around to see one of the brides maids limping towards us. I couldn't quite see what happened to her but I was pretty sure she fell.
"I'm here!" she yelled and ran into the water. "I just have to clean my cut off in the water." I looked at her in surprise. Wouldn't that hert A LOT! She has a big gash in her leg and she in prancing around in the Caribbean like it's no big deal! After she cleaned her leg, she went over to stand next to everyone.

Minutes passed and some of the grooms men were asking my dad if they could dunk the Groom in the water. "Um... I need him dry for some more pictures. But when I'm done you can do it if it is okay with him." They nodded, knowing that he was right. Snap, snap, snap, snap.
"Did you get the photo?" Bubba, one of the brides maids, asks my dad with a strange smile on her face.
"Um... ya," My dad replied, not ketching on to what she ment by 'Did you get the photo?'.  Then Bubba started running towards the Bride and Groom. Everyone thought that she was going for the Groom, but in a split second, Bubba turned towards the Bride!!!
"NO!" My dad started to yell, but it was too late. The bride was now all the way under the water, wedding dress and everything. My dad knew that he couldn't do anything, so he just started snapping pictures. Everyone was in shock to see what Bubba just did.  Soon as the Bride got out of the water, the first thing she said was "That was not cool..."
Bubba was confused. "Fine!" she yelled and dunked herself under the water, trying to make it all better.

About three hours later, when they finally got to cut the cake, the Bride and Bubba still weren't talking to each other.I'm pretty sure that they will never speak to each other again... I thought knowing that a long friendship was now broken. I don't want this to happen to me and my friends when I get older... So I won't drink so then my friends will always be my friends...

Fairy Tales: Life or Death

Conflict / Resolution
Author’s Note: Fairy Tales can be a dangerous thing. Defiantly for Mira. She will have to over come a lot of conflicts in this book.

Fairy tales... Some people think that they are all nice and happy, but other people think that they are all gory and sad. This book is a mix of those two. In Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross, Mira has a major conflict resting on her shoulders. In the town of Beau Rivage, some people have a curse that is related to fairy tale character. Mira has found out that her curse is like Sleeping Beauty. The only thing that is on her mind now is what can trigger her curse, anything sharp. If she pricks herself, when her curse will be triggered and she will go into a deep slumber and will only be awoken by her prince. On her 16th birthday, the curse will be most active. She is about a week away from her birthday, and she is afraid of touching anything sharp.

Her curse isn’t the only conflict that is going on in this book. There are two brothers in this book that have one of the most dangerous curse in all of Beau Rivage. They can suck all of the love out of girls that will kill them. They have to do this in order to stay alive. To me it seamed like love is their food. Mira falls in love with one of the brothers. This brother wants to live, so he just lets girls come into his trap. Mira doesn't know this yet even though the other brother keeps trying to warn her because he loves her. Eventually these two conflicts will come together but at the end will have a happy ending.

Book Retelling


Jasper Dent’s father, a well known serial killer, is locked up in jail. But now bodies are piling up, so Jazz decides to join the police force to help find this new serial killer.  On his journey he learns that your family doesn’t define who you are.

I think that anyone who likes adventure, murder, and mystery will certainly love this book! I know that I sure did!

Why Did So Many Colonists Die?

October 3rd, 2012 

Author's Note: Many of us have had this driving question, 'Why did so many colonists die?'. Well, through out this DWA, you will find out the answer.

In the spring of 1607, English settlers began to arrive in the Chesapeake Bay region of Virginia. All the different colonists had different ideas for the future in this new land, like becoming rich and building new homes. But their little fairytale ideas would soon come to a end, because by 1611, 400 of the 500 colonists were dead. People wonder now... Why did so many colonists die in Jamestown? Disease, lack of water, and conflicts with the Powhatan Indians might lead to the answer to the question.

Disease is one of the ways that colonists died. The conditions there were HORRIBLE! They dumped waist into the brackish water and with the tides, it made it worse because it just moved the waste back and froth. The colonists drank that water because there was nothing else to drink. Another reason they people died from disease was because they didn’t bring over the right people. They didn’t have anyone who carried proscription medication and they only had one surgeon. But this wasn’t the only way the colonists died.

The second reason was of drought. The first drought was in 1607 and ended in 1612. In this time, the colonists couldn’t grow the crops that they needed to survive. There was only one way that they could get the food and water that they needed. They would have to get if from the Powhatan Indians.

The Powhatans served as help for the colonists and a threat. The colonists traded with them so then they could get the food that they needed in the drought or ‘starving time’. But after a while, the Indians saw that the colonists were trying to take their land. This was bad news for the colonists. They weren't fit for a war. They were starving and had no strength. But through studies, we have found out that the Indians weren't as big of the threat as we thought, because only 7 people died from the Indians, and 78 died from disease in the years 1607-1608.

So, the answer to the question, ‘Why did so many colonists die?’, showed that disease, lack of water, and conflicts with the Powhatan Indians lead to all of the deaths in Jamestown. The colonists thought that they would be living a great, new life in this new land, but the only price they payed was suffering.

Is Drilling For Oil In Alaska, Really the Answer?

 March 16th, 2012

Author's Note: The government shouldn't drill for oil in Alaska's Wilderness. In this essay, you will see all of the bad things that will come out of this if we would really go ahead with this idea.

 Imagine a cold world were Polar Bear cubs frolic in the snow and Caribou run through the grassy like plains. This world seams almost perfect, until a low rumbling sound comes from off in the horizon. Trucks with equipment come rumbling down the hills and smoggy smoke and fumes come tumbling out of the exost pipes. Animals scattering around in terror, trying to find a safe place to hide. A place that used to be so beautiful, will soon become a wast land full  of people wanting to drill the precious oil from the ground. These people must be heartless to even think of drilling in a Wildlife Refuge! Drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is dreadful for the environment, the safety of people, and even the government.
The environment is at risk here. People and animals wont be able to handle all of the pollution that we will make. One of the pollutions that will affect this beautiful land is sound pollution. With all of our machines, the noise will irritate the human ear and the ears of animals which are more sensitive than our own ears. There will also be littering and littering isn’t going to be good for the environment either. Animals get scared easily and just run away from all of this noise. They will have to find a new home, and what place could be more pleasing that the great wilderness of Alaska? Some other animals are very curious and will try to get into anything that they can. They could get too close for confert to some of the workers drilling the oil. Having these dangerous animals close to humans might worry people about their safety.
The safety of Americans are at risk if we drill this oil. We are just hurting the animals and the people in this environment as well. When we take these fossil flues from the ground, we will be littering will all of our junk that we leave behind. The environment will be destroyed and all of the beauty will be lost. Some of the species might be killed off including the endangered shaggy musk ox who has been here since the time of the ice age! Drilling this oil wont be safe for humans and animals and it wont be that helpful for the economy eather.
Most people only care about the money that they will save and less about the safety of the people and animals around them. The truth is that there wont be any money saved in this drilling at all. According to www.msnbc.msn.com,  the percentage will change only by 4%, leaving us with a lot of oil in foren countries. Some people think that is a big number, but it isn’t. That 4% will only last for 6 months, says senior producer John W. Schoen. Oil in the U.S. is in such great demand these days because there are 113 million more vehicles today than there were 30 years ago. Over this same period of time, drivers have increased the miles they each drive by about 44 percent, which means that vehicles traveled per year had increased by about 145 percent since 1970. With more drivers on the road, the more we depend on oil to keep us going.
The environment, economy, and everyday citizens can all be harmed by this gruesome drilling. If they do decide to drill in Alaska’s Wildlife Refuge, I can just tell that it would end up in a disaster. I doubt I’m the only one who cares, so if we all pitch in, Alaska’s wilderness could be saved! You just have to think of all of the animals that could get injured or even die because of what we have done. Animals are just like us, we should treat them with respect and continue to get oil like we usually do.


Sources For all Information:

A Cat Of Many Patterns

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Author's Note: This cat is very cool because her coat spells the word 'cat'. That is very strange. This story might not be every good, but I tried. Thought I wish I could of made it longer. Hope you like it! :)

Paws flailed as Kiki wrestled with her litter mates. Little claws scrabbling for a grip on the slippery wood floor.
“Got ya!” a black kitten hissed as he pinned Kiki down.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready!” Kiki hissed back. All of the commotion soon died down when the human came to check on us.
My brother and I were still wrestling silently as he approached us. “Hello little guys. Does anyone want to go out side today?” All of us started to figure out why it seamed like the human was talking to us, and the word ‘Out side’  meant that he was going to set us on the grass! The human kindly picked me up and started to pet me, but I wriggled out of his grip and dashed for the door. I pawed at the door, wondering why it wouldn’t open.
“Hello!?!” I mewed starting to leave claw marks on the door. The human’s eyes bugged out the set me down next to the others.
“No! Bad girl! No Scratching on the door. You can scratch on this...,” the human set a bad smelling thing in front of us. I was still confused why he didn’t let us outside. There was too much confusion so I decided to take a little nap.
“Wake up!!” my brother mewed, pawing at my side. My eyes were still clouded with sleep but I could tell that we had moved. I examined the cardboard box that we some how go into in our sleep.
“Hey Mommy!! Look  at the kitties!!!” a little girl mewed to her mother. My ears perked up, not knowing what she had said.
“How about this one? She is very energetic and CUTE!” the man that took care of us said.
“Waite a second,” the woman said. “That cat says ‘cat’ on it!” The word ‘cat’ made me jump around like crazy. I’m wanna play! 
“This is amazing!” the man said lifting my into the air. “I’m sorry,... but this kitten isn’t for sale any more ma'am.” He took me into the house here my mother was laying in her cat bed. I was so frightened by his excitement that I started purring to reassure myself that I was okay.
“I know girl! This is just SO strange!” he mewed, excitement building up inside him. I wasn’t too sure why he was so happy, but I purred anyway.

Soon I figured out why everyone kept taking pictures of me. It was because my pelt spelled out the word ‘cat’. I still try to act like a normal cat but I like all of the attention. :)

Wonderful Giant

Monday, January 16, 2012

Author's Note: If you could see a Red Wood Tree, you would be amazed. In my poem, I tried to describe all of the things that I saw when I was there. 

A tree standing so tall,
It makes me feel so small,
Looking at the red bark,
The shadow puts me in the dark,
Sun shining in rays,
Puts the scene in a misty haze,
What a wonderful sight to see,
A beautiful Red Wood Tree.

"Well Ya Think You Know It All"

Thursday, January 12, 2012

Author's Note: You probably have heard the song "Mr. Know it All", but have you listened to the lyrics closely? Well, you should, but I will give you a breaf explanation of the song.

“You ain't got the right to tell me
When and where to go, no right to tell me
Acting like you own me lately
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me

Mr know it all
Well ya think you know it all
But ya don't know a thing at all
Yeah baby you don't know a thing about me
You don't know a thing about me”

Kelly Clarkson has been having some trouble with the paparazzi so all of he songs on her Stronger (Deluxe Version) album are about her struggles. I think that she is trying to tell them that she doesn't care what they say. I think that is why she says in the song “Mr know it all Well ya think you know it all”, because they think they know everythingabout her and they keep telling people things that aren't true which is a kind of bullying. I don’t think that she deserves to be bullied. They should just think before they act and listen closer to her songs, then they would know how she feels, because know one wants to be bullied. I’m glad that Kelly Clarkson is trying to make things better for her and I hope that she comes out with some more songs to show the paparazzi that she doesn't care what they say.

The Attack Of The Evil Snowman

Wednesday, December 21, 2011

Author's Note: You have heard of Snowman like 'Frosty the snowman' but have you heard of Evil Snowman? (This is one of my first poems of the year so it is a little bad) :)
Roll a ball,
Make it small,
Use it for a head,
Then you name it Fred,
Leave it in the night,
Be sure to lock your door tight,
You fall asleep in your bed,
Dreaming of the color red,
You don’t sleep long,
And wake to find your Snowman gone,
He’s in another yard,
Eating someones lard,
A lady comes out,
Carrying some tasty trout,
The Snowman comes over,
To the lady named Rover,
He eats it,
And makes a fit,
He started to melt on some felt,
The Snowman died,
So everyone went on a happy ride.

Kelpie The Zombie

Friday, December 16, 2011

Author's Note: You have heard of Zombies, but have you heard of Zombie Cats? Kelpie doesn't know that, but the time will come for her to know. 

Wispy, gray clouds slowly covered the full moon as Kelpie wandered through the forest. Short, spindly trees swayed in the wind whyl little rodents scurried in the undergrowth.
    “Welcome,” a disturbing voice murmured. Kelpie spun around, eye’s wide with fear. A dark shape seamed to float into view.
    “Isn't this place beautiful?” the cat like thing seamed to hiss happily a smile creeping up his face. It’s voice left shivers down Kelpie’s spine, but she managed to shake her head.
    “No!” the cat shrieked. “You WILL agree with me!” The cat instantly lunged at Kelpie, aiming for her neck. Kelpie screeched with all her might and dashed out of his grip. The cat hissed with rage, keeping its hungry, murturus eyes on her.
    The only useful word that Kelpie could manage to scream was “Help!”. Soon another cat sprinted out of the shadows. I’m going to die!!! Kelpie thought as she tripped over a root.
    “I’ve got you now!” the first cat hissed. Before he could do anything the other shadowy cat pounced on him and the cat went limp.
    “Th..th..thanks for killing him,” Kelpie managed to say through her shaking body.
    “He isn’t dead,” the shadowy cat said. “I stopped him from killing YOU. Oh. And my name is Satyr,” the shadowy cat said.
    “Um... Satyr. It looked like you killed him,” Kelpie said confused, looking at the dead cat at her feet.
    “Well, Banshee is a Zombie.” Satyr smiled, stepping aside so Kelpie could get a better look at Banshee. Everything started to get blurry in Kelpie’s vision.

    “Hello? Are you okay?” Satyr’s voice was ringing in Kelpie’s ears.  “Um... Cat? Are you okay?” Kelpie opened here eyes to see Satyr’s round face looking into hers.
    “Um... What happened?” Kelpie asked shaking her head.
    “You fainted,” Satyr looked nervous because she was looking every were except at Kelpie.
    “Are you okay?” Kelpie asked looking for the Zombie cat. Satyr just nodded and started to walk into the shadows of the coming night. “Were are you going?!” Kelpie cried. “Satyr?”
    Satyr turned around and said kindly. “You need some rest.” Then Satyr disappeared. Kelpie crawled into a crack in a tree and fell asleep.

    Kelpie awoke feeling strange as she looked at Satyr again.
    “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to . He made me do it,” Satyr whimpered.
    “I don’t under stand!” Kelpie cried. Satyr just shook her head and stalking away. Before she was out of site, Satyr whispered, “ Your dead.”

Even A Dragon Needs A Friend

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Author's Note: If you see someone that seams lonely, you should see if they need a friend. Don't leave anyone out. :)

Boggle dodged the powerful strikes from Jenga as he swooped into the air.
    “Nice shot!” Boggle hollered down to Jenga. Jenga just rolled his eyes and flapped up next to Boggle.
    “I already know that!” hissed Jenga. “I’m the best hunter in the whole world!” Boggle nodded, trying to make the Red Dragon happy. Jenga just flew away to the other young dragons that were going out hunting.
    “Bye!” Boggle called after him but Jenga just ignored Boggle and kept flying.
    “Hay Boggle! Do you want to come hunted with me?” a young Red Dragon said landing clumsily next to him. Boggle nodded feeling a little better that his friend Scrabble wanting to go hunting.
    “Were do you want to hunt?” Boggle asked. The young Red Dragon nodded over to a strange looking place.
    “Um.. isn’t that were the Dark Dragons live?” Boggle asked, but the his companion didn’t reply. They were flying closer and closer to the strange territory.
    “Over here!” she whispered to Boggle. “I’ve heard that they have the best pray around. They won’t even know that were here!” Boggle still wasn’t too sure about hunting in enemy territory was okay.
    “What are two little Red Dragons doing here?” a voice snarled. The two dragons looked at each other, not knowing what to do. “Well...”
    “Um... We were just got lost,” Scrabble said trying to sound confident. The Dark Dragon didn’t seam convinced with her answer.
    “We should be going now,” Boggle said as he started to turn around. The Dark Dragon started creeping forward. Boggle was scared out of his mine.
    “We were just trying to hunt!” he hollered closing his eyes waiting for the Dark Dragon to strike.
    “Do you want to come with us?” Scrabble asked.
    The Dark Dragon just stared at them. “Why?”
    “Because you need a friend!” Scrabble said happily.
    “My name is Bop-it,” the Dark Dragon said. “Now lets go hunting!” Then the three dragons flew off into the clouds.

Teeny, Tiny Arms

Friday, December 9, 2011

Author's Note: Just because you are different, doesn't mean that you should be made fun of. Tiny arms are cool!

    Once there was a Dino named Tiny. Tiny was very small. She was about as big as a person’s fingernail. Tiny had one problem. She was too small. One day Tiny was trying to walk to a rock, but something was in her way. A big dinosaur!
    “Excuse me?” Tiny squeaked. “Can you please move?” The big dinosaur didn’t answer. “Hello!!!!” Finally the big dinosaur turned his big, round head. He looked down at her and started laughing like crazy. Tiny just rolled her eyes and continued her way to a rock with a plant on it.
    “There it is!” Tiny’s bigger friends told her awhile ago about this plant that could make you bigger. She took a large bite of  the plant, but nothing happened.
    “Rats! I thought it would work!” Tiny hissed. She was so annoied that she stomped her way to her little Dino Den.
    That night, Tiny started to feel strange, but she tried to ignore it. Groaning Tiny turned over to hear a loud crunching sound.
    “Hu?” Tiny looked under her and she saw her Dino Den. “What’s going on!?!” she hissed.
    “Wow,” a T-Rex said. “I don’t remember you so big.”
    “Nether do I!” Tiny said surprised.
    “What happened to your arms?” the other T-Rex asked. Tiny tried to look at her normal sized arms but they were no were to be seen.
    “Aah!!” Tiny hollered. “Were did they go?”
         "I don't know! It looks like something came by and bit them off!" the T-Rex said. "Oh, my name is Growl." Growl smiled and then looked at Tiny's arms again.
          "It just seams just so unnatural to have short arms. I must of eaten too mush of that plant," Tiny mumbled. "Now I will still gt made fun of."
          "No you won't," Growl said kindly. "I think that they are very interesting. No other Dinosaur has arms like yours."
           "That's the whole point. No one else has arms like me so that makes me weird," Tiny started to stomp away sadly.
           "Please don't go!" Growl hollered after her. "I think your new arms are better than everyone else. Now were is that plant you were talking about?"
"Um... Over there," Tiny showed Growl with her tail.
"Thanks!" then Growl took a large bite and she started o shrink. Then he took another legend bit and she began to grow, but this time her arms were short.
"This is an amazing plant! I will tell all of my friends about it. Then everyone will have these oil short arms." then Growl bounded off.