Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Spinning a Web

Patriots Pen

Author's Note: Everyone gets annoyed by politics, right? Well, for this years Patriots Pen, I decided to do mine about campaign ads. In this essay, you will learn that our ways of campaigning is way different than the ways that our founding fathers campaigned.

I reached for the remote and flopped down on the couch. I happily turned on the TV, knowing that it was the weekend and that nothing could bring me down. Click click click. Every channel there is a political ad! Then a thought came into my mind. Our founding fathers would not be proud of our politics today.

These ads are just a bunch of lies. The candidates just want to get the voters on their side. I thought as my Dad strolled in, wanting to watch the debate that is on tonight. He grabbed the remote and turned on the channel that the debate will be on. I watched the TV intently, wanting to see what kinds of ads would be on. There were many ads about Presadent Obama and Mitt Romney, and all they said were parts of what they were saying and just a bunch of unkept promises.

Every candidate has their own unkept promises. Some people think that they can’t keep all of the promises they make, just like us, but they have a bigger role to play then we do. People count on them to try and help make their wold a better place. I glance at my Dad, remembering that he was having trouble finding work after being fired from his last job. These candidates keep telling us that they are going to make the U.S. better by helping people get jobs. I just think that they are lying to get their way with the voters.

These candidates are just spinning a web of lies. A web that can’t be torn down, know matter how hard you try. For these candidates, they can never turn back. I believe that they are just saying these things so then they can get more votes. Our founding fathers didn’t campaign like this. They told America what they were going to do and they did it. Politics today are almost the total opposite.

“Dad?” I asked, looking him in the eye. “Don’t you think that our founding fathers wouldn’t be happy about today's politics?” He nodded and turned off the TV. I could tell that he was tiered of all the lies too.

1 comment:

  1. Your ending is strong, but I think you should enforce the topic in each paragraph with more support. Your voice really shows through and paints a picture in your mind. :)
