Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Kelpie The Zombie

Friday, December 16, 2011

Author's Note: You have heard of Zombies, but have you heard of Zombie Cats? Kelpie doesn't know that, but the time will come for her to know. 

Wispy, gray clouds slowly covered the full moon as Kelpie wandered through the forest. Short, spindly trees swayed in the wind whyl little rodents scurried in the undergrowth.
    “Welcome,” a disturbing voice murmured. Kelpie spun around, eye’s wide with fear. A dark shape seamed to float into view.
    “Isn't this place beautiful?” the cat like thing seamed to hiss happily a smile creeping up his face. It’s voice left shivers down Kelpie’s spine, but she managed to shake her head.
    “No!” the cat shrieked. “You WILL agree with me!” The cat instantly lunged at Kelpie, aiming for her neck. Kelpie screeched with all her might and dashed out of his grip. The cat hissed with rage, keeping its hungry, murturus eyes on her.
    The only useful word that Kelpie could manage to scream was “Help!”. Soon another cat sprinted out of the shadows. I’m going to die!!! Kelpie thought as she tripped over a root.
    “I’ve got you now!” the first cat hissed. Before he could do anything the other shadowy cat pounced on him and the cat went limp.
    “Th..th..thanks for killing him,” Kelpie managed to say through her shaking body.
    “He isn’t dead,” the shadowy cat said. “I stopped him from killing YOU. Oh. And my name is Satyr,” the shadowy cat said.
    “Um... Satyr. It looked like you killed him,” Kelpie said confused, looking at the dead cat at her feet.
    “Well, Banshee is a Zombie.” Satyr smiled, stepping aside so Kelpie could get a better look at Banshee. Everything started to get blurry in Kelpie’s vision.

    “Hello? Are you okay?” Satyr’s voice was ringing in Kelpie’s ears.  “Um... Cat? Are you okay?” Kelpie opened here eyes to see Satyr’s round face looking into hers.
    “Um... What happened?” Kelpie asked shaking her head.
    “You fainted,” Satyr looked nervous because she was looking every were except at Kelpie.
    “Are you okay?” Kelpie asked looking for the Zombie cat. Satyr just nodded and started to walk into the shadows of the coming night. “Were are you going?!” Kelpie cried. “Satyr?”
    Satyr turned around and said kindly. “You need some rest.” Then Satyr disappeared. Kelpie crawled into a crack in a tree and fell asleep.

    Kelpie awoke feeling strange as she looked at Satyr again.
    “I’m so sorry. I didn’t want to . He made me do it,” Satyr whimpered.
    “I don’t under stand!” Kelpie cried. Satyr just shook her head and stalking away. Before she was out of site, Satyr whispered, “ Your dead.”

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