Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Teeny, Tiny Arms

Friday, December 9, 2011

Author's Note: Just because you are different, doesn't mean that you should be made fun of. Tiny arms are cool!

    Once there was a Dino named Tiny. Tiny was very small. She was about as big as a person’s fingernail. Tiny had one problem. She was too small. One day Tiny was trying to walk to a rock, but something was in her way. A big dinosaur!
    “Excuse me?” Tiny squeaked. “Can you please move?” The big dinosaur didn’t answer. “Hello!!!!” Finally the big dinosaur turned his big, round head. He looked down at her and started laughing like crazy. Tiny just rolled her eyes and continued her way to a rock with a plant on it.
    “There it is!” Tiny’s bigger friends told her awhile ago about this plant that could make you bigger. She took a large bite of  the plant, but nothing happened.
    “Rats! I thought it would work!” Tiny hissed. She was so annoied that she stomped her way to her little Dino Den.
    That night, Tiny started to feel strange, but she tried to ignore it. Groaning Tiny turned over to hear a loud crunching sound.
    “Hu?” Tiny looked under her and she saw her Dino Den. “What’s going on!?!” she hissed.
    “Wow,” a T-Rex said. “I don’t remember you so big.”
    “Nether do I!” Tiny said surprised.
    “What happened to your arms?” the other T-Rex asked. Tiny tried to look at her normal sized arms but they were no were to be seen.
    “Aah!!” Tiny hollered. “Were did they go?”
         "I don't know! It looks like something came by and bit them off!" the T-Rex said. "Oh, my name is Growl." Growl smiled and then looked at Tiny's arms again.
          "It just seams just so unnatural to have short arms. I must of eaten too mush of that plant," Tiny mumbled. "Now I will still gt made fun of."
          "No you won't," Growl said kindly. "I think that they are very interesting. No other Dinosaur has arms like yours."
           "That's the whole point. No one else has arms like me so that makes me weird," Tiny started to stomp away sadly.
           "Please don't go!" Growl hollered after her. "I think your new arms are better than everyone else. Now were is that plant you were talking about?"
"Um... Over there," Tiny showed Growl with her tail.
"Thanks!" then Growl took a large bite and she started o shrink. Then he took another legend bit and she began to grow, but this time her arms were short.
"This is an amazing plant! I will tell all of my friends about it. Then everyone will have these oil short arms." then Growl bounded off.

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