Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Monday, October 29, 2012

Crookedstar's Hard Life

March 8th, 2012

Author’s Note: Have you ever been bullied? Well, you might connect with my essay. You will learn in this essay that no matter how hard someone tries to hurt you from the inside, you should always come back even stronger.

When you read a book, there always one main character, who wants to be the center of attention and always wants to take the lead. Crookedstar is one of those charactures. In the book Crookedstar’s Promise by Erin Hunter, you can see how much Crookedstar, leader of RiverClan, stands out by her looks, actions, and his thoughts.

Crookedstar hasn’t always looked the way he is now. When he was a kitten, he looked as normal as any other kitten in RiverClan.His mother Rainflower loved him and his brother Oakkit, just like every other mother until Crookedstar breaks his jaw in the beginning of the book. Since his appearance changed, other cats opinions changed about him. This event of change reminded me of the movie, Soul SurferBethany Hamilton’s arm got ripped off and some people’s opinions changed about her. think that you shouldn’t judge a book by it’s cover, just like Rainflower did to her own son. With all of her hate, Crookedstar’s actions changed.

Nobody likes to be ignored by their own mother, so Crookedstar did as many thinks to try and please his mother. One example of a action is when he rescued two ThunderClan kittens from drowning in the river. The purpose to this action was to get noticed by the rest of his Clan. This reminded me of another book Warriors; The Forgotten WarriorHollyleaf wanted to be noticed so she tried to get help from a evil cat. She did get noticed, but in the wrong way. Crookedstar got the same reaction. Even though saving another cat seamed like a good thing to him, his Clan didn’t really like it that much. Everything usually started as a thought, and Crookedstar’s thoughts are the most interesting of all.

The thoughts of Crookedstar that Erin Hunter portrays in her book, makes me have pity for him. All he really thinks about is pleasing Rainflower. Crookedstar thinks about offering to fix his mother’s bedding and also sharing his fresh-kill with her.Everything he is doing is a good thing, but his mother always denies him. What he is doing makes me think of some people in school. have seen people try and help others, but sometimes the other person thinks that they can do the task by themselves when they really need the help, just like Rainflower. Other times the person excepts the offer and it makes both people feel happy. Ithink that is why Crookedstar is doing all of these things for her, even though she totally despises him. Soon Crookedstar feels like giving up on Rainflower because of all of her hate towards him. He doesn’t care what others think about him, he just wants everyone to understand who he is.

Crookedstar’s looks, acts, and thoughts make you understand his life in the book Crookedstar’s Promise by Erin Hunter. Every sentence about this crippled character shows how different he is. It shows how much the author cares about the character, and how much she wants him to be noticed. Every book should describe the characters as good as this book does.

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