Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Monday, October 29, 2012

Cats Can Fly?


Author's Note: This is my first Writing Circle of the Semester. Our topic was "Flying Cats". I now it sounds strange, but it was fun to write about. In my story, you will learn that gossiping might not be the best thing in the world because your friends might not trust you as much and most of it isn't ture.

The fresh smell of morning dew woke me from my deep sleep. Growning, I rolled over and got to me paws.
“HAY!” a voice mewed from behind me. Frightened, I spun around like a twister. “Oh,... sorry. Did I scare you?” To my relief, it was my bestest friend on the whole wide world, Jasmine.
“Oh... hi Jasmine! Why are you up so early?” I asked, because I am usually the only one up for a while. All of the other cats in the rescue usually wake up when the food is put into the boals.
“Hay! Have you heard?” Jasmine is one of those gossip kinds of cats. She always wants to know what is going on with EVERYONE! And I mean everyone.
“Um... My answer will always be the same... and it is no...,” I just smiled, knowing that she would do the same.
“Well, Angel saw the weirdest thing last night.. It was a flying cat!!!” Playing along I stretched my eyes in surprise as wide as a large pizza in surprise.
“I thought that flying cats were only in fairytales! It can’t be true!”
“Sasha... I now that you think that everything that I know about everyone isn’t true.. but you have to believe me this time!” Jasmine looked at me pleading. “Can you just come out with Angel and me tonight. We might even get a chance to see the flying cats!” I just looked at her in thought. I know that she is my best friend and everything, but has all of this gossip gone too far?
At Night
The cold chill of the wind sliced through me pelt as I followed Jasmine and Angel through that little hole in the fence. By the time I got to the other side, they were fox lengths ahead of me. I sped up my pace, trying to catch up to my friend. When I finally got to her side, I gave her one last unsure look and kept walking. I still didn’t like the idea of sneaking out in the middle of the night and looking for ‘flying cats’.
“Oh! I can’t wate!!!” Angel mewed with excitement.
“Um... Haven’t you seen them before?” I asked, confused by her excitement.
“Um... uh... well... I did. It was amazing!” Angel didn’t even look me. She just kept walking along.
“How much farther do we have to go?” Jasmine asked, her excitement fading.
“Not much farther,” Angel replied. “But if you wana get to the spot where I saw them faster, then we might wana kick up the pace.” Then she started to bound away. Without Jasmine seeing me, I quickly rolled my eyes. I was tired of all this! And I knew that she hadn’t even seen one. Just the way she replied after I asked her that question!
I didn’t start follow them at their pace right away. I just didn’t really care anymore. I was just doing this for Jasmine.
A few minutes later I couldn’t hear the crunch of their paw steps, but I could still smell them. But then WHAM! I slammed right into Angel’s back.
“OW!” I hissed. “Why did you have to stop right in front of me like that?” I asked frustrated. Angel just turned her head a little to look at me.

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