Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Even A Dragon Needs A Friend

Wednesday, December 14, 2011

Author's Note: If you see someone that seams lonely, you should see if they need a friend. Don't leave anyone out. :)

Boggle dodged the powerful strikes from Jenga as he swooped into the air.
    “Nice shot!” Boggle hollered down to Jenga. Jenga just rolled his eyes and flapped up next to Boggle.
    “I already know that!” hissed Jenga. “I’m the best hunter in the whole world!” Boggle nodded, trying to make the Red Dragon happy. Jenga just flew away to the other young dragons that were going out hunting.
    “Bye!” Boggle called after him but Jenga just ignored Boggle and kept flying.
    “Hay Boggle! Do you want to come hunted with me?” a young Red Dragon said landing clumsily next to him. Boggle nodded feeling a little better that his friend Scrabble wanting to go hunting.
    “Were do you want to hunt?” Boggle asked. The young Red Dragon nodded over to a strange looking place.
    “Um.. isn’t that were the Dark Dragons live?” Boggle asked, but the his companion didn’t reply. They were flying closer and closer to the strange territory.
    “Over here!” she whispered to Boggle. “I’ve heard that they have the best pray around. They won’t even know that were here!” Boggle still wasn’t too sure about hunting in enemy territory was okay.
    “What are two little Red Dragons doing here?” a voice snarled. The two dragons looked at each other, not knowing what to do. “Well...”
    “Um... We were just got lost,” Scrabble said trying to sound confident. The Dark Dragon didn’t seam convinced with her answer.
    “We should be going now,” Boggle said as he started to turn around. The Dark Dragon started creeping forward. Boggle was scared out of his mine.
    “We were just trying to hunt!” he hollered closing his eyes waiting for the Dark Dragon to strike.
    “Do you want to come with us?” Scrabble asked.
    The Dark Dragon just stared at them. “Why?”
    “Because you need a friend!” Scrabble said happily.
    “My name is Bop-it,” the Dark Dragon said. “Now lets go hunting!” Then the three dragons flew off into the clouds.

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