Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Camping... Why Camping?


Author’s Note: In this writing circles piece, you will learn that you should not be scared of your fears. 
    The car swayed back-and-forth over the gravel road as we headed for our camp site. I nervously looked out my window, looking at all of the trees going by. This was my first camping trip EVER! I was scared out of my mine! I was afraid that I would be mauled by wild animals or run into a patch of poison ivy! I felt like I was going to die on the spot. My dog layed next to my side, panting like crazy. She has never left the safety of out town before and she was probably as scared as I was.
    “It’s okay girl,” I whispered, knowing that it wouldn’t.
    “You have nothing to be scared of,” my mom told me. “I went camping when I was a little girl and it was so fun! I just know that you will love it.” I didn’t answer her as I turned my head to look back outside. My mom sighed and looked for the map.
    “We should be here soon,” my dad said, almost sounding a little worried.
    “WHAT!?! Do you mean we are lost!?!?” I almost yelled. My dog, Sammy lifted her head up in alarm.
    “No,... we are not lost,” my mom said, rolling her eyes at my dad. “We are really close. It is just that these trails are so windy. It seems like we have been going in circles.”

A Few Minutes Later

    “Come on everyone! It is time to unpack all of our things!” my mom yelled. Me and Sammy were still sitting in the car. Well, I was the only one sitting. Sammy was on the edge of her seat, wondering is she should go outside.
    “Come on Lo!!! It is almost time to get to bed!” my dad yelled. I hadn't noticed that I was sitting alone in the car for about an hour. Sammy was playing around outside the tent, waiting for me to come in.
    “I’m coming Sammy,” I whispered as I slowly slid out of the car. I tip toed out to the tent, flinching at everything that moves. When I got into the tent I fell asleep right away.

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