Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Is Drilling For Oil In Alaska, Really the Answer?

 March 16th, 2012

Author's Note: The government shouldn't drill for oil in Alaska's Wilderness. In this essay, you will see all of the bad things that will come out of this if we would really go ahead with this idea.

 Imagine a cold world were Polar Bear cubs frolic in the snow and Caribou run through the grassy like plains. This world seams almost perfect, until a low rumbling sound comes from off in the horizon. Trucks with equipment come rumbling down the hills and smoggy smoke and fumes come tumbling out of the exost pipes. Animals scattering around in terror, trying to find a safe place to hide. A place that used to be so beautiful, will soon become a wast land full  of people wanting to drill the precious oil from the ground. These people must be heartless to even think of drilling in a Wildlife Refuge! Drilling for oil in Alaska’s Arctic National Wildlife Refuge is dreadful for the environment, the safety of people, and even the government.
The environment is at risk here. People and animals wont be able to handle all of the pollution that we will make. One of the pollutions that will affect this beautiful land is sound pollution. With all of our machines, the noise will irritate the human ear and the ears of animals which are more sensitive than our own ears. There will also be littering and littering isn’t going to be good for the environment either. Animals get scared easily and just run away from all of this noise. They will have to find a new home, and what place could be more pleasing that the great wilderness of Alaska? Some other animals are very curious and will try to get into anything that they can. They could get too close for confert to some of the workers drilling the oil. Having these dangerous animals close to humans might worry people about their safety.
The safety of Americans are at risk if we drill this oil. We are just hurting the animals and the people in this environment as well. When we take these fossil flues from the ground, we will be littering will all of our junk that we leave behind. The environment will be destroyed and all of the beauty will be lost. Some of the species might be killed off including the endangered shaggy musk ox who has been here since the time of the ice age! Drilling this oil wont be safe for humans and animals and it wont be that helpful for the economy eather.
Most people only care about the money that they will save and less about the safety of the people and animals around them. The truth is that there wont be any money saved in this drilling at all. According to www.msnbc.msn.com,  the percentage will change only by 4%, leaving us with a lot of oil in foren countries. Some people think that is a big number, but it isn’t. That 4% will only last for 6 months, says senior producer John W. Schoen. Oil in the U.S. is in such great demand these days because there are 113 million more vehicles today than there were 30 years ago. Over this same period of time, drivers have increased the miles they each drive by about 44 percent, which means that vehicles traveled per year had increased by about 145 percent since 1970. With more drivers on the road, the more we depend on oil to keep us going.
The environment, economy, and everyday citizens can all be harmed by this gruesome drilling. If they do decide to drill in Alaska’s Wildlife Refuge, I can just tell that it would end up in a disaster. I doubt I’m the only one who cares, so if we all pitch in, Alaska’s wilderness could be saved! You just have to think of all of the animals that could get injured or even die because of what we have done. Animals are just like us, we should treat them with respect and continue to get oil like we usually do.


Sources For all Information:

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