Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

Fairy Tales: Life or Death

Conflict / Resolution
Author’s Note: Fairy Tales can be a dangerous thing. Defiantly for Mira. She will have to over come a lot of conflicts in this book.

Fairy tales... Some people think that they are all nice and happy, but other people think that they are all gory and sad. This book is a mix of those two. In Kill Me Softly by Sarah Cross, Mira has a major conflict resting on her shoulders. In the town of Beau Rivage, some people have a curse that is related to fairy tale character. Mira has found out that her curse is like Sleeping Beauty. The only thing that is on her mind now is what can trigger her curse, anything sharp. If she pricks herself, when her curse will be triggered and she will go into a deep slumber and will only be awoken by her prince. On her 16th birthday, the curse will be most active. She is about a week away from her birthday, and she is afraid of touching anything sharp.

Her curse isn’t the only conflict that is going on in this book. There are two brothers in this book that have one of the most dangerous curse in all of Beau Rivage. They can suck all of the love out of girls that will kill them. They have to do this in order to stay alive. To me it seamed like love is their food. Mira falls in love with one of the brothers. This brother wants to live, so he just lets girls come into his trap. Mira doesn't know this yet even though the other brother keeps trying to warn her because he loves her. Eventually these two conflicts will come together but at the end will have a happy ending.

1 comment:

  1. The piece overall is effective in describing the conflict, but I feel you just left me hanging with the resolution. Instead of saying there will be a happy ending, say what actually happens, paint a picture in my mind. :)
