Quote of the day

"You cannot hold on to anything good. You must be continually giving - and getting. You cannot hold on to your seed. You must sow it - and reap anew. You cannot hold on to riches. You must use them and get other riches in return."

-Robert Collier

Tuesday, October 30, 2012

A Cat Of Many Patterns

Thursday, January 19, 2012

Author's Note: This cat is very cool because her coat spells the word 'cat'. That is very strange. This story might not be every good, but I tried. Thought I wish I could of made it longer. Hope you like it! :)

Paws flailed as Kiki wrestled with her litter mates. Little claws scrabbling for a grip on the slippery wood floor.
“Got ya!” a black kitten hissed as he pinned Kiki down.
“That’s not fair! I wasn’t ready!” Kiki hissed back. All of the commotion soon died down when the human came to check on us.
My brother and I were still wrestling silently as he approached us. “Hello little guys. Does anyone want to go out side today?” All of us started to figure out why it seamed like the human was talking to us, and the word ‘Out side’  meant that he was going to set us on the grass! The human kindly picked me up and started to pet me, but I wriggled out of his grip and dashed for the door. I pawed at the door, wondering why it wouldn’t open.
“Hello!?!” I mewed starting to leave claw marks on the door. The human’s eyes bugged out the set me down next to the others.
“No! Bad girl! No Scratching on the door. You can scratch on this...,” the human set a bad smelling thing in front of us. I was still confused why he didn’t let us outside. There was too much confusion so I decided to take a little nap.
“Wake up!!” my brother mewed, pawing at my side. My eyes were still clouded with sleep but I could tell that we had moved. I examined the cardboard box that we some how go into in our sleep.
“Hey Mommy!! Look  at the kitties!!!” a little girl mewed to her mother. My ears perked up, not knowing what she had said.
“How about this one? She is very energetic and CUTE!” the man that took care of us said.
“Waite a second,” the woman said. “That cat says ‘cat’ on it!” The word ‘cat’ made me jump around like crazy. I’m wanna play! 
“This is amazing!” the man said lifting my into the air. “I’m sorry,... but this kitten isn’t for sale any more ma'am.” He took me into the house here my mother was laying in her cat bed. I was so frightened by his excitement that I started purring to reassure myself that I was okay.
“I know girl! This is just SO strange!” he mewed, excitement building up inside him. I wasn’t too sure why he was so happy, but I purred anyway.

Soon I figured out why everyone kept taking pictures of me. It was because my pelt spelled out the word ‘cat’. I still try to act like a normal cat but I like all of the attention. :)

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